Product Card

Table Of Contents
Copyright @ 2021 Pepwave
Admin Settings
Router Name
This field allows you to define a name for this Pepwave router. By default,
Name is set as MAX_XXXX, where XXXX
refers to the last 4 digits of the unit’s
serial number.
Admin User
Admin User Name is set as admin by default, but can be changed, if desired.
Admin Password
This field allows you to specify a new administrator password.
Confirm Admin
This field allows you to verify and confirm the new administrator password.
Read-only User
Read-only User Name is set as user by default, but can be changed, if desired.
User Password
This field allows you to specify a new user password. Once the user password is
set, the read-only user feature will be enabled.
Confirm User
This field allows you to verify and confirm the new user password.
Web Session
This field specifies the number of hours and minutes that a web session can
remain idle before the Pepwave router terminates its access to the web admin
interface. By default, it is set to 4 hours.
With this box is checked, the web admin will authenticate using an external
RADIUS server. Authenticated users are treated as either "admin" with full read-
write permission or “user” with read-only access. Local admin and user acco
will be disabled. When the device is not able to communicate with the external
RADIUS server, local accounts will be enabled again for emergency access.
Additional authentication options will be available once this box is checked.
Auth Protocol
This specifies the authentication protocol used. Available options are MS-
v2 and PAP.
Auth Server
This specifies the access address and port of the external RADIUS server.
Auth Server
This field is for entering the secret key for accessing the RADIUS server.
Auth Timeout
This option specifies the time value for authentication timeout.
This specifies the access address and port of the external accounting server.
Server Secret
This field is for entering the secret key for accessing the accounting server.