User's Manual 40 Copyright @ 2020 Pepwave
PING - ICMP PING packets will be issued to test connectivity with
configurable target IP addresses or host names.
DNS Lookup - DNS lookups will be issued to test the connectivity with
configurable target DNS server IP addresses.
HTTP - HTTP connections will be issued to test the connectivity with
configurable URLs and strings to match.
Default: DNS Lookup
PING Hosts
These fields are for specifying the target IP addresses or host names where ICMP
Ping packets will be sent to for health check.
If the box Use first two DNS servers as PING Hosts is checked, the first two DNS
servers will be the ping targets for checking the connection healthiness. If the box is
not checked, the field Host 1 must be filled and the field Host 2 is optional.
The connection is considered to be up if ping responses are received from any one
of the ping hosts.
If a health check test cannot be completed within the specified amount of time, the
test will be treated as failed.
Health Check
This is the time interval between each health check test.
Health Check
This is the number of consecutive check failures before treating a connection as
This is the number of responses required after a health check failure before treating
a connection as up again.
Bandwidth Allowance Monitor Settings
Check the box Enable to enable bandwidth usage monitoring on this WAN