Users Manual
Copyright @ 2019 Pepwave
PepVPN Profile Settings
This field is for specifying a name to represent this profile. The name can be any
combination of alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z), underscores (_), dashes
(-), and/or non-leading/trailing spaces ( ).
When this box is checked, this VPN connection profile will be enabled. Otherwise,
it will be disabled.
By default, VPN traffic is encrypted with 256-bit AES. If Off is selected on both
sides of a VPN connection, no encryption will be applied.
Select from By Remote ID Only, Preshared Key, or X.509 to specify the method
the Peplink Balance will use to authenticate peers. When selecting By Remote ID
Only, be sure to enter a unique peer ID number in the Remote ID field.
Remote ID /
Pre-shared Key
This optional field becomes available when Remote ID / Pre-shared Key is
selected as the Peplink Balance’s VPN Authentication method, as explained
above. Pre-shared Key defines the pre-shared key used for this particular VPN
connection. The VPN connection's session key will be further protected by the pre-
shared key. The connection will be up only if the pre-shared keys on each side
match. When the peer is running firmware 5.0+, this setting will be ignored.
Enter Remote IDs either by typing out each Remote ID and Pre-shared Key, or by
pasting a CSV. If you wish to paste a CSV, click the icon next to the “Remote
ID / Preshared Key” setting.
These optional fields become available when X.509 is selected as the Peplink