Users Manual
Copyright @ 2019 Pepwave
is that an IP address change during a session may be the result of an unauthorized intrusion
attempt. Therefore, to prevent damages from the potential intrusion, the session is terminated
upon the detection of an IP address change.
Pepwave routers can be configured to distribute data traffic across multiple WAN connections.
Also, the Internet IP depends on the WAN connections over which communication actually
takes place. As a result, a LAN client computer behind the Pepwave router may communicate
using multiple Internet IP addresses. For example, a LAN client computer behind a Pepwave
router with three WAN connections may communicate on the Internet using three different IP
With the persistence feature, rules can be configured to enable client computers to
persistently utilize the same WAN connections for e-banking and other secure websites. As a
result, a client computer will communicate using one IP address, eliminating the issues
mentioned above.
There are two persistent modes: By Source and By Destination.
By Source:
The same WAN connection will be used for traffic matching the rule and
originating from the same machine, regardless of its destination. This option will
provide the highest level of application compatibility.
By Destination:
The same WAN connection will be used for traffic matching the rule, originating
from the same machine, and going to the same destination. This option can
better distribute loads to WAN connections when there are only a few client
The default mode is By Source. When there are multiple client requests, they can be
distributed (persistently) to WAN connections with a weight. If you choose Auto in Load
Distribution, the weights will be automatically adjusted according to each WAN’s
Downstream Bandwidth which is specified in the WAN settings page). If you choose
Custom, you can customize the weight of each WAN manually by using the sliders.
15.2.3 Algorithm: Enforced
This setting specifies the WAN connection usage to be applied on the specified IP protocol
and port. This setting is applicable only when Algorithm is set to Enforced.