Users Manual

be accessed.
Web Admin
This option is for specifying the network interfaces through which the web admin
interface can be accessed:
LAN only
If LAN/WAN is chosen, the WAN Connection Access Settings form will be
LAN Connection Access Settings
Allowed LAN
This field allows you to permit only specific networks or VLANs to access the Web UI.
WAN Connection Access Settings
Allowed Source
IP Subnets
This field allows you to restrict web admin access only from defined IP subnets.
Any - Allow web admin accesses to be from anywhere, without IP
address restriction.
Allow access from the following IP subnets only - Restrict web admin
access only from the defined IP subnets. When this is chosen, a text
input area will be displayed beneath:
The allowed IP subnet addresses should be entered into this text area. Each IP
subnet must be in form of w.x.y.z/m, where w.x.y.z is an IP address (e.g.,, and m is the subnet mask in CIDR format, which is between 0 and
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