User's Manual

15.2 The Pepwave Router Behind a NAT Router
Pepwave routers support establishing SpeedFusion
over WAN connections which are
behind a NAT (network address translation) router.
To enable a WAN connection behind a NAT router to accept VPN connections, you can
configure the NAT router in front of the WAN connection to inbound port-forward TCP port
32015 to the Pepwave router.
If one or more WAN connections on Unit A can accept VPN connections (by means of port
forwarding or not), while none of the WAN connections on the peer Unit B can do so, you
should enter all of Unit A’s public IP addresses or hostnames into Unit B’s Remote IP
Addresses / Host Names field. Leave the field in Unit A blank. With this setting, a
connection can be set up and all WAN connections on both sides will be
See the following diagram for an example of this setup in use:
One of the WANs connected to Router A is non-NAT’d ( The rest of the WANs
connected to Router A and all WANs connected to Router B are NAT’d. In this case, the Peer
IP Addresses / Host Names field for Router B should be filled with all of Router A’s
hostnames or public IP addresses (i.e.,,, and, and the field in
Router A can be left blank. The two NAT routers on WAN1 and WAN3 connected to Router A
should inbound port-forward TCP port 32015 to Router A so that all WANs will be utilized in
establishing the VPN.