Users Manual 186 Copyright @ 2021 Peplink
Prefetch Schedule Settings
This field displays the name given to the scheduled download.
Check the status of your scheduled download here.
Next Run
Time/Last Run
These fields display the date and time of the next and most recent occurrences of the
scheduled download.
Last Duration
Check this field to ensure that the most recent download took as long as expected to
complete. A value that is too low might indicate an incomplete download or incorrectly
specified download target, while a value that is too long could mean a download with an
incorrectly specified target or stop time.
This field indicates whether downloads are in progress ( ) or complete ( ).
Last Download
Check this field to ensure that the most recent download file size is within the expected range.
A value that is too low might indicate an incomplete download or incorrectly specified
download target, while a value that is too long could mean a download with an incorrectly
specified target or stop time. This field is also useful for quickly seeing which downloads are
consuming the most storage space.
To begin a scheduled download immediately, click .
To cancel a scheduled download, click .
To edit a scheduled download, click .
To delete a scheduled download, click .
Click to begin creating a new scheduled download. Clicking the button will cause the following
New Schedule
screen to appear: