Users Manual 199 Copyright @ 2021 Peplink
Two default rules are predefined and put at the bottom. They are All DHCP reservation
clients and Everyone, and they cannot be removed. The All DHCP reservation client represents the
LAN clients defined in the DHCP Reservation table on the LAN settings page. Everyone represents all
clients that are not defined in any rule above. Click on a rule to change its group.
Add / Edit User Group
Subnet / IP
From the drop-down menu, choose whether you are going to define the client(s) by an IP
Address or a Subnet.
If IP Address is selected, enter a name defined in DHCP reservation table or a LAN
client's IP address. If Subnet is selected, enter a subnet address and specify its subnet
This field is to define which User Group the specified subnet / IP address belongs to.
Once users have been assigned to a user group, their internet traffic will be restricted by rules defined for
that particular group. Please refer to the following two sections for details.
Bandwidth Control
This section is to define how much minimum bandwidth will be reserved to each user group when a WAN
connection is in full load. When this feature is enabled, a slider with two indicators will be shown. You can
move the indicators to adjust each group's weighting. The lower part of the table shows the corresponding
reserved download and uploads bandwidth value of each connection.
By default, 50% of bandwidth has been reserved for Manager, 30% for Staff, and 20% for Guest.