User's Manual 125 Copyright @ 2019 Pepwave
server specified in Web Proxy Interception Settings will be intercepted.
These connections will be redirected to a specified web proxy server and
port number. Web proxy interception settings and proxy server settings for
each WAN can be specified after selecting Enable.
DNS Forwarding
When this option is enabled, all outgoing DNS lookups will be intercepted
and redirected to the built-in DNS name server. If any LAN device is using
the DNS name servers of a WAN connection, you may want to enable this
option to enhance the DNS availability without modifying the DNS server
setting of the clients. The built-in DNS name server will distribute DNS
lookups to corresponding DNS servers of all available WAN connections. In
this case, DNS service will not be interrupted, even if any WAN connection
is down.
Custom Service
When custom service forwarding is enabled, outgoing traffic with the
specified TCP port will be forwarded to a local or remote server by defining
its IP address and port number.
21.4.1 SMTP Forwarding
Some ISPs require their users to send e-mails via the ISP’s SMTP server. All outgoing SMTP
connections are blocked except those connecting to the ISP’s. Pepwave routers support
intercepting and redirecting all outgoing SMTP connections (destined for TCP port 25) via a
WAN connection to the WAN’s corresponding SMTP server.
To enable the feature, select Enable under SMTP Forwarding Setup. Check Enable
Forwarding for the WAN connection(s) that needs forwarding. Under SMTP Server, enter the
ISP’s e-mail server host name or IP address. Under SMTP Port, enter the TCP port number for
each WAN.
The Pepwave router will intercept SMTP connections. Choose a WAN port according to the
outbound policy, and then forward the connection to the SMTP server if the chosen WAN has
enabled forwarding. If the forwarding is disabled for a WAN connection, SMTP connections for
the WAN will be simply be forwarded to the connection’s original destination.