User's Manual 154 Copyright @ 2019 Pepwave
Allow access from the following IP subnets only - Restrict web admin
access only from the defined IP subnets. When this is chosen, a text input
area will be displayed beneath:
The allowed IP subnet addresses should be entered into this text area. Each IP
subnet must be in form of w.x.y.z/m, where w.x.y.z is an IP address (e.g.,, and m is the subnet mask in CIDR format, which is between 0 and
32 inclusively (For example,
To define multiple subnets, separate each IP subnet one in a line. For example:
Allowed WAN IP
This is to choose which WAN IP address(es) the web server should listen on.
25.2 Firmware
Pepwave router firmware is upgradeable through the web admin interface. Firmware upgrade
functionality is located at System>Firmware.
There are two ways to upgrade the unit. The first method is through an online download. The
second method is to upload a firmware file manually.
To perform an online download, click on the Check for Firmware button. The Pepwave router
will check online for new firmware. If new firmware is available, the Pepwave router will
automatically download the firmware. The rest of the upgrade process will be automatically
You may also download a firmware image from the Peplink website and update the unit
manually. To update using a firmware image, click Choose File to select the firmware file from
the local computer, and then click Manual Upgrade to send the firmware to the Pepwave
router. It will then automatically initiate the firmware upgrade process.
Please note that all Peplink devices can store two different firmware versions in two different
partitions. A firmware upgrade will always replace the inactive partition. If you want to keep the