
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2020 Pepwave Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Pepwave and the Pepwave logo
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WPA2 – Enterprise
802.1X Version
Choose v1 or v2 of the 802.1x EAPOL. When v1 is selected, both v1 and v2 clients can
associate with the access point. When v2 is selected, only v2 clients can associate with
the access point. Most modern wireless clients support v2. For stations that do not
support v2, select v1. The default is v2.
Enter a passphrase of between 8 and 63 alphanumeric characters to create a
passphrase used for data encryption and authentication. Click Hide / Show
Passphrase to toggle visibility.
802.1X Version
Choose v1 or v2 of the 802.1x EAPOL. When v1 is selected, both v1 and v2 clients can
associate with the access point. When v2 is selected, only v2 clients can associate with
the access point. Most modern wireless clients support v2. For stations that do not
support v2, select v1. The default is v2.