User's Manual 12 Copyright @ 2019 Pepxim
3.1.4 Firewall
˗ Outbound (LAN to WAN) firewall rules
˗ Inbound (WAN to LAN) firewall rules per WAN connection
˗ Intrusion detection and prevention
˗ Specification of NAT mappings
˗ Outbound firewall rules can be defined by destination domain name
3.1.5 Captive Portal
˗ Splash screen of open networks, login page for secure networks
˗ Customizable built-in captive portal
˗ Supports linking to outside page for captive portal
3.1.6 Outbound Policy
˗ Link load distribution per TCP/UDP service
˗ Persistent routing for specified source and/or destination IP addresses per TCP/UDP
˗ Traffic prioritization and DSL optimization
˗ Prioritize and route traffic to VPN tunnels with Priority and Enforced algorithms
3.1.7 AP Controller
˗ Configure and manage Pepwave AP devices
˗ Review the status of connected APs
3.1.8 QoS
˗ Quality of service for different applications and custom protocols
˗ User group classification for different service levels
˗ Bandwidth usage control and monitoring on group- and user-level
˗ Application prioritization for custom protocols and DSL/cable optimization