Users Manual

Compliance Information
Disclosure of Exposure to Radiofrequency and Electromagnetic Fields:
This equipment complies with the FCC radiation exposure limits set forth per 47 CFR §2.1091 for an
uncontrolled environment (ie: both occupational and unrestricted exposure to the public).
The operating power of the scripClip and its associated Reader is deliberately limited. No precautions are
required for their use or operation.
The wide area broadcast station and its antennas must be installed and operated such that at least 20cm
separation distance is maintained between these components and the operator or the general public. This
is normally achieved by overhead ceiling mount of at least 8 feet from the level of the floor. These
antennas may not be collocated with antennas for WiFi or other applications.
ISED Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator &
your body.
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Cet équipement est conforme Canada limites d'exposition aux radiations dans un environnement non
contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé à distance minimum de 20cm entre le radiateur et
votre corps.
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