
Table Of Contents
Using the Bluetooth settings of your phone, tablet or PC direct it to search for
'discoverable' devices. After a few seconds, you should see a device named 'Perfectpro
Rockpro'. Just occasionally it may take longer for the sound system to be found by your
Select '
Perfectpro Rockpro' to cause your phone, tablet or PC to pair with your sound
system and to establish a connection.
Once the connection is established, the Bluetooth icon on the LCD will stop ashing and
will remain on. A message will be displayed briey conrming and followed by a display
with the name of the connected device.
You can now begin playing music from your smart-phone, tablet, etc.
Some Bluetooth devices may require a ‘Passkey’ (an authentication key) in order to
establish a link between devices. A passkey is similar to a password, although you only
need to use the passkey once to establish a link. If your device asks for a passkey to be
able to pair with your radio then enter a code of 0000 (four zeroes).