Network Router User Manual

Server Commands
24 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Set SSL Server
A configurable string that allows access to a port to view the multisession screen
options, allowing the various options while accessing the particular port on the
IOLAN. You can specify control (unprintable) codes by putting the decimal value in
angle brackets < > (for example,
ESC-b is <027>b). The default value is Ctrl-z s
<026>s in decimal).
The number of times the IOLAN will retry to transmit a TPFT packet to/from a host
when no response is received. Enter a value between 0 and 5. The default is 5. A value
of 0 (zero) means that the IOLAN will not attempt a retry should TFTP fail.
The time, in seconds, that the IOLAN will wait for a successful transmit or receipt of
TFTP packets before retrying a TFTP transfer. Enter a value between 3 and 10. The
default is
3 seconds.
This is the SSL/TLS passphrase used to generate an encrypted RSA/DSA private key.
This private key and passphrase are required for both HTTPS and SSL/TLS
connections, unless an unencrpyted private key was generated, then the SSL passphrase
is not required. Make sure that you download the SSL private key and certificate if you
are using the secure HTTP option (HTTPS) or SSL/TLS. If both RSA and DSA private
keys are downloaded to the IOLAN, they need to be generated using the same SSL
passphrase for both to work.
Description Sets the default SSL/TLS parameters for the server.
User Level Admin
set ssl server [version any|tslv1|sslv3] [type client|server]
[verify-peer on|off]
country <code>|state-province <text>|locality <text>
|organisation <text>|organisation-unit <text>
|common-name <text>|email <email_addr>]
Options version
Specify whether you want to use:
z Any—The IOLAN will try a TLSv1 connection first. If that fails, it will try an
SSLv3 connection. If that fails, it will try an SSLv2 connection.
z TLSv1—The connection will use only TLSv1.
z SSLv3—The connection will use only SSLv3.
The default is Any.
Specify whether the IOLAN will act as an SSL/TLS client or server. The default is
Enable this option when you want the Validation Criteria to match the Peer Certificate
for authentication to pass. If you enable this option, you need to download an SSL/TLS
certificate authority (CA) list file to the IOLAN.