
Indice 1 - 18/06/12
Use a small brush to remove mud. For proper function and good grip on the rope, the teeth must be clean.
Usage tips
•Wipe ice axes and crampons with a dry cloth after use.
•Do not store crampons with wet slings.
•Remove and wipe the ice screw caps. Let ice screws dry completely.
•Carry ice screws in a protective case (ICEFLUTE) to avoid damaging the threads or dulling the
cutting edges.
Rusting ice axe picks
•Ice axe picks are made of high strength steel without any
rustproof treatment. After use, small traces of rust may
appear. These traces do not affect the strength and do not
lower the technical performance characteristics of your ice
axe. To remove these traces of oxidation, you can rub the
affected areas with an abrasive sponge. In using the ice axe,
it is likely that these traces will disappear on their own.
•To reduce rust, it is recommended to wipe the ice axe pick
with a dry cloth after each use. To better protect it, it is also
recommended to coat it with oil or silicone grease.