User Guide

Chapter 5: Playing Songs in Band-in-a-Box
The Band-in-a-Box Synth window controls instrument settings.
Patch Changes
Patch changes are embedded in the Band-in-a-Box styles and these patches are loaded with songs by default. They
can be disabled in the MIDI Options dialog found in the Preferences. Alternate patches can be saved with a song
Change the instrument patch by scrolling through the 128 General MIDI instrument names in the Instrument box,
even while the song is playing.
General MIDI 2 support
General MIDI 2 standard (GM2) adds 128 new instruments to Band-in-a-Box styles and songs, including ukulele,
mandolin, 12-string guitar plus many new and improved piano, organ, guitar, brass, and string sounds.
Note: The included Roland VSC3 synth supports the new GM2 instruments, as do many newer modules/sound cards. If
yours doesn't, a similar instrument from the existing 128 General MIDI sounds will be substituted.
The type of GM2 support is set in the MIDI Driver Setup dialog (Opt. | MIDI driver setup…). The choices are:
- General MIDI 2 support: If you're using the Roland VSC3, or a newer Sound Canvas then choose this GM2
- Roland GS (older Modules): “Older” Sound Canvases (SC55/SC88) support GS, but not GM2. The good
news is that they have the same patches available, just at different locations. So if you choose this option,
Band-in-a-Box will find the patches at the “GS” locations instead of the “GM2” locations. If you have a newer
GS module like the SC8820 that supports both GM2 and GS you should likely choose GM2.
- No GM2 support: Most sound cards don't have GM2 support yet, so just support the original 128 General
MIDI sounds. Band-in-a-Box will use the closest instrument in these cases.
You can select the GM2 patch using the GM2 button next to the Instrument box. This shows a menu
organized by instrument types.
Technical note: For a GM patch like Nylon Guitar the patch is 25. For a GM2 patch like Ukulele, the patch is also 25, but it
is accompanied by two bank settings, MSB Bank Controller 0 setting of 121 and LSB Bank Controller 32 setting of 1.