Operation Manual

Copyright @ 2014 Phicomm Europe GmbH – print only for private use!
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Input the MAC address of the other wireless router in MAC address of the wireless
access point.
Two wireless routers must use the same channel, encryption type
and encryption key. If the wireless security mode is one of WPA,
WPA2 and WPA/WPA2, the wireless routers must work with the
same SSID.
WPS settings
The WPS function can help to add a new device to the network quickly. If the client
device supports WPS and is equipped with a WPS button, you can add it to the
network by pressing the WPS button on the device and then press the button of the
router two minutes. The status LED on the router becomes green after five minutes,
if the device has been added to the network successfully. If your client asks for the
routers PIN number, enter this PIN number into your client device. If your client
device has a WPS Settings PIN number, enter that number into the PIN box.
Menu item Explanation
WPS Settings
WPS (WiFi Protected
Establish easy and quick a connection between router
and client device through encrypted contents. The users
only enter the PIN code to configure.