User's Manual

III. NetCam-2 Installation Summary, Connection & Placing
1. Inst allation Summary
l Connect Ethernet and Power to NetCam-2 on local network for configuration.
l Install NetCam-2 Setup Program into a PC on local network.
l Assign an IP address to NetCam-2 and configure administrators condition.
l Configure users condition.
l Place NetCam-2, re-connect power and Ethernet.
l Adjust Focus.
2. Connecting
l Connect Ethernet line to the Ethernet port in the rear.
l Connect the power supply.
l Confirm that the LED of the Ethernet port blinks.
3. Placing
l Place NetCam-2 appropriately for your purpose.
IV. Installing NetCam-2 Setup Program
l Insert the NetCam-2 Setup disk.
l Drag the NetCam-2 Setup icon onto the desktop.
l Double-click on the icon.