User's Manual

6-Wire Placement
ECG and Arrhythmia Monitoring 6-23
6-Wire Placement
For a 6-lead placement use the positions from the 5-lead diagram above but
with two chest leads. The two chest leads, Va and Vb, can be positioned at
any two of the V1 to V6 positions shown in the chest electrode diagram
The default position of Va - the brown lead - is at the V2 position.
The default position for Vb - the brown/white lead - is at the V5 position.
The lead placement for the Va and Vb lead labels must be appropriate. If
your unit uses other precordial leads for Va and Vb, they may be assigned
in Unit Settings at the Information Center as defaults for your whole unit,
or you may need to assign the new positions on a per-patient basis in the
Patient Window at the Information Center.
Selecting Positions of Va and Vb Chest Leads
The two chest leads for the 6-lead placement can be positioned at any two
of the V1 to V9 and V3R, V4R and V5R positions. Select the positions you
have used in the Patient Window at the Information Center, so that the
chest leads will be correctly labeled.