User's Manual

MX40 1.4 GHz Smart-Hopping Radio
Safety Standards & Specifications 15-19
MX40 1.4 GHz Smart-Hopping Radio
Frequency Ranges
Bands: 1395-1400 MHz and 1427-1432 MHz
Channel Spacing: 1.6 MHz
RF Output Power (existing
8 dBm +2/-1.5 dB (4.5 mW to 10 mW), into
antenna load
Radio Frequency Accuracy
during normal operation
<+60/-100 KHz relative to channel frequency,
includes temperature compensation and aging
Modulation Type
GFSK (1M40Q7D)
Out of Band Spurious
Emission Levels:
<= 1394 MHz, >= 1401
<= 1428 MHz, >= 1433
<-41 dBm in 1 MHz bandwidth for FCC limit
Occupied bandwidth as
defined by power in 99%
< +/- 800 KHz
1.4GHz WMTS (US only)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
Operation of this equipment requires the prior coordination with a
frequency coordinator designated by the FCC for the Wireless Medical
Telemetry Service.