User's Manual

Understanding Settings
Basic Operation 4-13
Set ECG On/Off
New Lead Setup
When IntelliVue Patient Monitor lead sets are in
use, select 3-wire, or 5-wire.
Va Lead
Shows position of Va, or C1, electrodes. Choices
are V1-V9, v3R, V4R, V5R.
Vb Lead
Shows position of Vb, or C2, electrodes. Choices
are V1-V9, v3R, V4R, V5R.
Change Numeric
Selects parameter numeric to display in place of
current HR numeric.
Waveform Settings at the MX40
Wave 1
Primary, Secondary, I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF,
V1-V9, MCL, V3R, V4R, V5R. Available
waveforms are based on patient cable type. Lead
II is the default. If Primary or Secondary are
selected, then the waveform displayed is the
waveform configured as primary or secondary for
arrhythmia analysis.
Wave 2
Primary, Secondary, I,II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF,
V1-V9, MCL, V3R, V4R, V5R, Pleth (if SpO
available), Resp (if Resp is available). Available
waveforms are based on patient cable type. Lead
V is the default. If Primary or Secondary are
selected, then the waveform displayed is the
waveform configured as primary or secondary for
arrhythmia analysis.
Primary or secondary waveform configuration changes made at the
Information Center change the MX40.