User's Manual

4-14 Alarms
Technical Alarms (INOPs)
Technical Alarms, or INOPs (inoperative conditions), are sourced at the
MX40, the ST/AR algorithm running at the Information Center, or the
IntelliVue Patient Monitor. They identify inoperative conditions (that is
conditions where the system is not operating properly and therefore cannot
measure or detect alarm conditions reliably). There are four levels of
Technical Alarms:
Severe - Monitoring and alarm generation are disabled. Visual alarm
indicator on the MX40. Audible tone at the Information Center. Must be
acknowledged by a clinician.
Hard - Monitoring and alarm generation are disabled. Visual alarm
indicator on the MX40. Audible tone at the Information Center.
If the hard INOP is "latched", the sound will be silenced, but the
message will remain on the display until resolution of the offending
Soft - Monitoring and alarms remain active. Visual alarm indicator on
the MX40 and at the Information Center. No audible tones are
generated at the Information Center
Red/Yellow - Replace Battery and ECG Leads Off INOPs may be
configured to display as either Red or Yellow Technical Alarms.
Note - The ECG Leads Off INOP will initially display as a cyan
technical alarm until a valid ECG signal is obtained.
In the following table, technical alarms are listed alphabetically.
Alarm Text
What to do
Source - MX40
There is less than
15 minutes of
monitoring time
remaining (AA
Lithium-ion battery
level is < 10% or
has <30 minutes
remaining time.
Replace batteries
promptly to avoid
shutdown and cessation of
Insert a charged
lithium-ion battery pack.
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