User's Manual

5-16 ECG and Arrhythmia Monitoring
If you are using ...
these leads can be selected at the MX40
and the Information Center
I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5,
V6, V7, V8, V9, V3R, V4R, V5R.
Sourced (raw) waves are received as:
Channel 1 = II
Channel 2 = III
Channel 3 = Va
Channel 4 = Vb
Defaults are II, Va = V2, III,Vb = V5.
The two chest leads, Va and Vb, can be
placed on the patient in any of the V lead
positions (V1 through V9, V3R, V4R, V5R).
Lead assignment is available at the
Information Center. When unassigned, the
chest leads use the defaults.
Note The lead label assigned to Vb
cannot be selected for Va even though Vb
does not appear to be used.
When display of the pleth wave is enabled
at the Information Center, the second chest
lead (Vb) is not available for monitoring.
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