User's Manual

5-28 ECG and Arrhythmia Monitoring
Arrhythmia Alarm Settings
Some arrhythmia alarms can be turned off at the Information Center. They
Non-Sustain, Vent Rhythm, Run PVCs, Pair PVCs, R-On-T PVCs,
V.Bigeminy, V.Trigeminy, Multif.PVCs, Pause, SVT, Irregular HR,
Missed Beat, PVCs/min and Afib.
It is also possible to turn all yellow arrhythmia alarms off at the Information
Alarms that have been turned off at the Information Center will appear as
off in the Arrhythmia menu of the MX40, but they are not accessible, nor
can you change limits locally.
Yellow Arrhythmia Alarms
Yellow arrhythmia alarms are short yellow alarms specific to
arrhythmia-related patient conditions. Depending on your monitor and
Information Center configuration, they may be shown with one or two
stars. The heart rate alarms (High HR and Low HR) can be configured as
short yellow or standard yellow alarms. When they are standard yellow
alarms they exist independently of the other arrhythmia alarms and no
timeout periods apply.
When arrhythmia analysis is on, all yellow ECG and arrhythmia alarms are
short yellow alarms (one-star). This means that the alarm tones (if volume
is on) are active for six seconds only, after which the blinking numeric and
the alarm message remain for up to three minutes. The only exception to
this are the HR High and Low alarms which can be configured as standard
yellow alarms. Red alarms behave as usual.
Viewing Arrhythmia Waves
To review arrhythmia beat labels:
1 Go to the Setup ECG menu.
2 Select Arrhythmia.
3 Change Annotate Arrhy from Off to On. Beat labels will be annotated
above the ECG wave and Delayed will appear beside it.
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