User's Manual

1. User can enter PIN between 4 and 9 digits numbers only.
2. After entering PIN, Accept button takes user to the pop-up dialog box on the following page.
3. Minimum minutes set to 5. Slider set to 5 by default.
4. Does not require the display be attached to a different host to go into theft mode.
Once a PIN is entered and accepted, the following dialog box appears:
Click on No button takes user to the following screen.
file:///P|/P_TranslateFile/C9/2008/8/C9004300-Qisda-Philips%2024...13-Final/CD-Contents/lcd/manual/ENGLISH/240SW9/product/SMART.HTM 第 15 頁 / 共 23 2008/8/13 下午 05:43:05