operation manual

SIAA is the Society of Industrial
technology for Antimicrobial Articles.
An organization of manufacturers and
antimicrobial testing institutions for
plastic or other non-porous surfaces
products. Moreover, SIAA helps us meet
our Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) to make our products and life
more environmentally friendly.
That are many bacteria around us, like
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia
coli. These can multiply on infected
surfaces, transferring to our food,
products, people and animals. These
and other bacteria can cause skin and
digestive tract infections. Bacteria are
often transferred by touching infected
surfaces. With the SIAA label, our
product will be proven to inhibit the
proliferation of bacteria on the surface
of our products. This limits the spread
of bacteria that can cause infection. This
assures our customers that touching
our products will not spread infection
through their home or business.
The SIAA marks represent self-
certication and conformity to
the guidelines of the Society by its
members and the marks for disclosure
of information on quality and safety
indicate full disclosure of such
information. The SIAA marks can only be
used by SIAA members, and the Society
monitors the operation of the labeling
methods for strict market control of the
voluntary standards. Through ISO -22196
testing, our products can be proven to
inhibit the proliferation of bacteria on
the surface of our products.
Inorganic antibacterial agent
Monitor housing part
The SIAA brand mark is borne on
products evaluated according to ISO
22196 and they are under quality control
and information disclosure by the
guidelines of the Society of International
sustaining growth for Antimicrobial