Operation Manual

WelcomeEye Connect / Touch / 09/17
6: Con guration of the WelcomeEye system’s options
a b c d
a: Activation of a second intercom panel (choose On if a second intercom panel is used).
b: Activation of the camera option (choose On if a camera is used).
c: Con guration of the monitor(s). When the system has several monitors, you must con gure
one Master monitor and Slave monitors. If the system only features one monitor, choose
O .
d: Activation of the videophone’s energy saving mode. When the energy saving mode is
activated (On), the product’s consumption is reduced. The intercom panel is placed on
standby, therefore the monitor no longer receives calls.
7: Audio settings
a b c d e
a: Choice of ringtone during a call from intercom panel 1
b: Choice of ringtone during a call from intercom panel 2 (only if an additional intercom
panel has been con gured)
c: Choice of ringtone during an intercom call (only if an additional monitor has been
con gured)
d: Volume settings for the monitor ringtone
e: Volume settings for the monitor loudspeaker during communication.
8: Image settings
Image brightness, contrast and colour settings.
9: Wi-Fi network management (only on WelcomeEye Connect)
a b c
a: Activation (On) or deactivation (O ) of the Wi-Fi network.
b: Con guration of the time between the visitor ringing the bell and when the noti cation
is sent to the smartphone.
c: Access to information on the network and Wi-Fi network reset.
Note: The use of the Wi-Fi network and the smartphone application is detailed in chapter
8 application.