Operation Manual

WelcomeEye Connect / Touch / 09/17
• No video recording • Absence of micro
SD card
• Videos can only be recorded when
there is a micro SD card in the
• Card format
• Type of micro SD card or SDHC mic,
no SDXC mic
• Unsuitable card
• 64MB min, 32GB max class 10
• Check recording mode (page 11)
• The strike plate
and gate motor are
controlled via the
monitor, not the RFID
• Programming error • Reset and resume the badge
programming procedure.
Reminder: short swipe of the badge
= electrical control, long swipe = dry
contact control
• Poor image and/
or sound from the
• Stream problem • The stream must be at least 40Kb/s
• Modify the stream from the app
settings (change the no. of frames/
• The opening of the
electric strike plate
is controlled by the
application, but the
opening of the gate
is not*
• Conguration • In application settings, verify that
"code verr" = 2
Reminder: the command can only
be sent if a conversation via the
intercom is ongoing
• The strike plate is
not controlled via the
• The strike plate or electric lock
that you are ordering must have
a mechanical memory. The strike
plate current cannot exceed 1.1A.
• Connect it directly to terminals 7
and 8 at the back of the intercom
panel (no need to observe polarity).
• The opening function is only
possible if the video of the
respective intercom panel is
* WelcomeEye Connect only
Reminder: Videos can only be recorded when there is an micro SD card in the monitor.
The photos and videos launched by the application are recorded on the smartphone.
The application only allows access to intercom panel views, not the additional cameras.
Notes: To check whether or not the product is faulty, we recommend connecting it over a
short distance (3m of wiring). If the symptoms persist, the product is faulty. If not, check the
installation and cable used.