Software Upgrade

Philips Electronics Singapore Software Upgrade Instruction
6 Burning upgrade software on CD-R or CD-RW 6 Burning upgrade software on CD-R or CD-RW
1. Extract the files by unzipping the zipped file.
Tip: For more information on
burning software we suggest
you can refer to two popular
burning software programs
2. Write the extracted files – not the zip file - onto a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc,
using the following settings:
File System CD-ROM Joliet
File name length: max 31 chars (ISO Level 2)
Mode: 2/XA
Character set ISO 9660
Single session
Write speed: low
3. Finalize the disc. (The application may do this automatically.)
Using Nero Express 6
Please make sure you are using Nero Express. You can start Nero Express from
the Nero folder in Windows Start menu.
1. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc.
2. Open Nero Express and select “Data disc”.
3. Click on the “Add
tab to browse.
4. Select the unzipped files
5. Click Add” and “Finished”.
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