- PHILIPS Digital Video Recorder User Guide

1. The video recording provides several kinds of information backup. The
user can set the backup time, mode, category, facility and other
2. Backup facility: USB, IDE, Network can be used as backup facilities.
3. Backup mode: it is used to deal with the backup facility with the
information on it. It has two options: overwrite and advanced. Overwrite
means to cover the old information; advanced means to add the new
information behind the old one.
4. Operation mode: three options: input the time, choose the list and mark
5. Input the time: backup the information according to the period of time,
from the beginning of inputting to the end.
6. Choose the list
7. Mark AB: When watching the recording, press quality to choose the
beginning of the information. After a time of playing, press quality again
and choose the beginning. When operating the backup, just choose
mark AB and the system will backup the chosen information.
8. Period of time: user can set several periods of time, number them and
backup information according to the chosen period of time.
9. Recording catalogue: it means the catalogue of information to be backup
in the video recording, normal or alert.
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