Operation Manual

7 Settings
Settings mode
In the settings mode, you can change and adjust various
settings according to your own preferences.
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Start the settings mode
To open the settings overview:
In the stop mode of the recording screen or music
playback screen, press and hold the Menu button .
Switch between settings menus
To switch between the settings menus File, Record,
Display, Device:
Use the Fast forward or Fast rewind button.
Scroll through settings
To scroll through settings of each settings menu:
Use the Volume up or Volume down button.
Select a setting
To select a setting or conrm a selection:
Press the Menu button .
Exit the settings mode
To go one step back:
Press the Stop button.
To exit the settings mode:
Press the Stop button several times until the recording
screen is displayed again.
O: Play back tracks in selected folder sequentially.
Random: Play back tracks in selected folder randomly.
Folder: Repeat tracks in a playlist.
File: Repeat the current track continuously.
When all tracks in the current folder have been played,
the playback stops automatically.
Turn the equalizer o or choose between the equalizer
music options Rock, Pop, Soft, Jazz, Classical, or DBB
(Dynamic Bass Boost).
Mic sensitivity
Adjust the microphone sensitivity of your Voice Tracer.
Select the sensitivity according to the background
noise, number of recorded sound sources and distance
between sound source and microphones.
High: Supports up to 24 bit/96 kHz PCM recording with
higher power consumption.
Medium: Supports up to 16 bit/48 kHz PCM recording
with lower power consumption.
Low: Supports up to 8 bit/24 kHz PCM recording with low
battery consumption.
Input source
Choose between various input sources to guarantee the
best recording quality for specic recording situations.
For more information, see Multichannel recording.
Stereo mic (L/R): Use the left and right built-in
microphone to record.
Line-in: Use external microphones to record.
XLR: Use an XLR channel to record.
Center mic: Use the middle built-in microphone to
XLR + Stereo mic (L/R): Use an XLR channel and the left
and right built-in microphone to record.
Center mic + Stereo mic (L/R): Use the left, right and
middle built-in microphone to record.
Line-in + Center mic: Use an external microphone and
the middle built-in microphone to record.
Line-in + XLR: Use an external microphone and an XLR
channel to record.