operation manual

You can customise the machine's functions via the programming menu.
The following settings can be adjusted
Co ee Temperature
This function allows you to adjust the co ee brewing temperature.
Timer (stand-by)
This function allows you to adjust the time taken for the machine to go
into stand-by mode after the last brewing.
This function allows you to adjust the contrast of the display to better view
the messages.
Water Hardness
This function allows you to adjust the water hardness settings according to
the area where you live.
1 = very soft water
2 = soft water
3 = hard water
4 = very hard water
For more details, please see the “Measuring and Programming Water Hard-
ness” chapter.
"INTENZA+" Water Filter
This function allows you to manage the “INTENZA+” water  lter.
For more details, see the chapter related to  lter handling.
Descaling Cycle
This function allows you to run the descaling cycle.