
Playback - Karaoke
Playing a Karaoke disc
A Connect a microphone (not supplied) to
the MIC socket at the right side of the
front panel.
B Load a karaoke disc.
If the disc menu appears, use  keys
to make your selection and press OK to
start playback.
C To turn off the vocal or change the
sound channel of a karaoke disc, press
VOCAL on the remote control
repeatedly to toggle between various
audio modes.
D Start enjoying the karaoke.
Helpful Hints:
While singing, you can press MIC LEVEL
on the main unit followed by adjusting the
volume control to set the microphone volume
Microphone setting
A Press KARAOKE to access ‘Microphone
Setup’ page.
Microphone Setup
Mic Volume
Echo Level
B In ‘Microphone Setup’ page, use 
keys to select the option for microphone
settings and press OK to con rm.
{ Mic }
- On
- Off
To turn on or off the
karaoke microphone.
{ Mic
Volume }
Set the microphone
volume level
(0 ~ +20).
Default setting is 10.
{ Echo
Level }
Set the Echo Level
(0 ~ +20). Default
setting is 10.
{ Key } Set the pitch level
(-10~ +10) that
matching your voice.
Note: Select ‘-10’ for
lowest possible tone
and ‘+10’ for highest
tone. To return to
original tone, select
{ Score }
- Off
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advance
Select the level of
scoring option.
Note: Select { Off }
to turn off the karaoke
scoring option.
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