CE Certificates

Philips Consumer Electronics
P.O.Box 80002, 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ref.: AR93-Q-jMO.03.033
Date: 2003 - August 20th.
Philios Consumer Electronics bv - Business unit Creative Disolav Solutions
(manufacturer's name)
Buildin!! SK-I. Eindhoven. The Netherlands
(manufacturer's address)
declare under our responsibility that the electrical product
DLP projector LC 5331
(name) (type or model)
a DATA oroiection svstem with video / audio inouts and outouts
(product description)
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards.
IEC 60 950: 3th Edition 0999).
(title and/or number and date of issue of the standards)
following the provisions of the following directives:
89/336/EEC , 73/23/EEC & 93/68/EEC
Eindhoven Au 2003. R. Breukers -CDS
(place, date) (s

Summary of content (1 pages)