Credit Card Machine User Manual

Mail (cont’d)
To open and read an e-mail message
Highlight an e-mail message on the MAILBOX page and press the GO button.
The contents of the message appear on your screen.
Open a message from your MAILBOX page.
Highlight SAVE and press the GO button.
To read saved messages
Highlight STORAGE on the MAILBOX page and press the GO button. A list of
saved messages appears.
Highlight a message and press the GO button. The contents of the saved mes-
sage appear.
To reply to an e-mail message
With a message open on your screen, highlight REPLY and press the GObut-
ton. The REPLY TO A MESSAGE page appears with the address and subject
entered in the appropriate boxes for you.
Type your reply.
Highlight SEND and press the GO button. A message appears indicating that
your e-mail is being sent.
To save or store a message
The NAMES icon links to your NAMES page, which allows you to store and
edit e-mail addresses. You can automatically address messages from your list of
The DISCARD icon allows you to discard messages from your MAILBOX.
To return to the MAILBOX page
Highlight MAILBOX and press the GO button.