
Record your home videos and favourite TV programs
• Front AV input to connect your camera
• One touch recording
• Easy programming
Digital sound reproduction
• Full Digital 6-channel Class-D™ Amplifier
• DTS, Dolby Digital, Dolby Prologic
Clear width & depth in sound
• Cinema Center Speaker™ with 5 multi-directional speaker drivers
• 4 Full range Two-way satellite speakers
Deep & powerful bass
• 75W Twin Port subwoofer
Multi-format playability
• Plays DVD-Video, DVD+RW, DVD+R, CD Audio, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3-CD,
Picture-CD and VHS format
DVD/VCR Home Entertainment System
Total Immersion in Movies
MX 5100VR
MX 5100VR
Remote Control 12NC: 8239 210 9708

Summary of content (2 pages)