User Manual

Lern bout wireless technology
The SpeechOne uses wireless technology to estblish
 connection between the dicttion hedset nd the
docking sttion.
A wireless connection doesn't require tht the
SpeechOne nd the docking sttion be in line of
sight. However, the mximum distnce between the
SpeechOne nd the docking sttion should not be
more thn 5 meters (16 feet). The closer the devices
re to ech other, the better is the performnce. The
connection is subject to interference from distnce nd
obstructions or other electronic devices.
Mke sure to keep  minimum distnce of 50 cm
(18 inches) between the docking sttion nd other
wireless devices, such s smrtphones or lptops. If
the distnce is less thn 50 cm (18 inches), there might
be interferences between the docking sttion nd
other wireless devices.
Going out of rnge
When the wireless connection is lost,  voice prompt
will notify you bout this. If you hve  SpeechExec
ppliction running on your computer, the softwre will
be stopped.
In this cse, move closer to the docking sttion to re-
enter the reception re.
X The connection is reestblished.
X A voice prompt will notify you tht the connection
is estblished gin.
Idle mode nd Power down mode
Idle mode
After 4 minutes of inctivity, the SpeechOne
utomticlly enters Idle mode.
X The sttus LED on the hedset strts shing
green quickly.
To rectivte the device:
Simply lift the hedset up until the sttus LED on the
hedset glows green.
Power down mode
If the SpeechOne is not used for more thn 6 hours, it
utomticlly turns o to sve bttery life. The bttery
LEDs on the docking sttion re turned o then.
To turn the device on gin:
Plce the device onto the docking sttion for bout 4
X If the connection with the docking sttion
succeeds, the bttery LEDs on the docking sttion
light up for one second nd disply the bttery
sttus fterwrds.
Press the Hedset button until the sttus LED on the
hedset glows green.
Resetting the wireless connection
If you should encounter problems with your device, for
exmple, the SpeechOne doesn't respond or doesn't
connect to the docking sttion, you cn reset the
wireless connection.
Press the Hedset button on the hedset until the
sttus LED on the hedset turns o.
Relese the Hedset button on the hedset nd wit
until the sttus LED on the hedset turns on gin.
Disconnect the docking sttion from your computer
(nd optionlly from the power outlet).
Connect the docking sttion to your computer (or
optionlly to the power outlet) vi the supplied USB
cble. Mke sure you use the USB port for PC
connection mrked with on the docking sttion.
Plce the SpeechOne on the docking sttion nd
wit for bout 4 seconds.
X The SpeechOne should be detected nd be
utomticlly pired with the docking sttion.
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