User Manual

Use the remote control (PSM6500,
If you re  SpeechMike user:
You cn use the remote control of the SpeechOne
hedset just like you use your SpeechMike. The
functions of the remote control re exctly the sme.
You only need to put the SpeechOne hedset on,
then strt nd control your recording with the remote
If you re not  SpeechMike user:
Downlod the user mnul for SpeechMike Premium
Air tir/support.
Button modes
With your SpeechOne or the SpeechOne remote
control (PSM6500, PSM6800), you cn control vrious
pplictions on your computer or in your browser.
You hve six dierent button modes vilble for this
purpose: the Event mode, the Keybord mode, the
Browser mode, the Windows speech recognition mode,
the Drgon for Mc mode, nd the Drgon for Windows
mode. You cn chnge the button ssignment for
ech mode in SpeechControl softwre. Downlod the
softwre for free t
Event mode
The Event mode is the defult mode of your SpeechOne.
In this mode, ech button on your SpeechOne is
ssigned to  commnd. In SpeechControl softwre,
you cn dene which commnds should be executed
by pressing or relesing  desired button on your
SpeechOne in order to control vrious computer
Keybord mode
Assign  button on your SpeechOne to  shortcut you
re using on your computer in order to control vrious
computer pplictions. In SpeechControl softwre, you
cn dene which commnds should be executed by
pressing  desired button on your SpeechOne.
In this mode, you cn lso operte Drgon
NturllySpeking speech recognition softwre on 
Windows computer by using the pre-congured Drgon
Browser mode
Assign  SpeechOne button to  shortcut or  commnd
in your browser in order to control vrious browser-
bsed dicttion pplictions. In SpeechControl softwre,
you cn dene which commnds should be executed by
pressing  desired button on your SpeechOne.
Windows speech recognition mode
In this mode, you cn operte the pre-instlled Windows
speech recognition softwre on  Windows computer by
using the pre-congured Windows shortcuts.
Drgon for Mc mode
In this mode, you cn operte Drgon NturllySpeking
speech recognition softwre on  Mc computer by
using the pre-congured Drgon shortcuts.
Drgon for Windows mode
In this mode, you cn operte Drgon NturllySpeking
speech recognition softwre on  Windows computer by
using the pre-congured Drgon shortcuts.
Button ssignment for ech mode
17Use your SpeechOne