Localized commercial leaflet

Anti-colic bottle with AirFree vent
Development stages
Stage: 0-6 months
Bottle: Polypropylene, BPA free
Nipple: Silicone, BPA free
What is included
Baby bottle: 1 pcs
Bottle design: Ergonomic shape, Wide neck
Ease of use
Bottle use: Dishwasher & microwave safe, Easy
to assemble, Easy to clean, Easy to hold
Ease of use: Easy to clean and assemble, Few
parts for easy assembly
Compatibility: Full Classic+ compatibility
Nipple: Easy latch on, Ribbed texture prevents
nipple collapse, Proven Anti-colic system
What is included
AirFree vent: 1 pcs
* Our unique AirFree vent is designed to help your baby
swallow less air as they drink by keeping the nipple full
of milk during feeding. Reducing the amount of air your
baby ingests helps w/common feeding issues such as
colic, reflux & gas.
* 80% of moms agreed that “my baby experienced fewer
feeding issues” in a home placement test with 144
mothers in the US in 2017
* At 2 weeks of age, babies fed with a Philips Avent bottle
showed a trend to less colic compared to a conventional
bottle and a significant reduction in fussing at night
compared to babies fed with another leading bottle.
* What colic is, and how it affects babies? Colic is caused in
part by swallowing air while feeding, which creates
discomfort in a babys digestive system. Symptoms
include crying, fussing, gassiness and spit-up.
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Issue date 20211230
Version: 12.1.1
EAN: 00 07502 00723