User Manual

Settings cn't be chnged when the bttery LED
glows red. Chrge the SpeechMike before chnging
the settings.
The SpeechMike cn be reset to its fctory defult
congurtion by clicking the Defults button in the
softwre. Click the Upload button to save the default
To test settings nd button functions, use the Device
test section on the Device tb.
Use ppliction shortcuts with
SpeechControl softwre
Philips SpeechControl softwre includes pre-instlled
proles tht mke the SpeechMike redy for immedite
opertion with Drgon NturllySpeking speech
recognition softwre nd Microsoft Powerpoint. You cn
lso progrm dditionl proles for other pplictions.
If the option to strt SpeechControl driver nd
congurtion softwre ws utomticlly selected
during instlltion, the ppliction icon
in the notiction re of the Windows tsk br. To
mnully strt the progrm, open the Windows strt
menu in Windows nd select Philips Speech Control
> Philips Device Control Center.
Right-click on the ppliction icon in the
notiction re of the Windows tsk br nd mke
sure tht the option Acitvte Appliction Control
is enbled. If this option is disbled, the congured
settings nd buttons will not function for ny of the
trget pplictions.
If you use Philips SpeechExec softwre, exit the
softwre when using ppliction shortcuts. This will
prevent unintentionl recording when controlling
other pplictions.
Defult prole
The defult prole is pplied utomticlly when there is
no prole ssigned to n ppliction in focus. This prole
is set up to control Drgon NturllySpeking with your
SpeechMike. The following settings re dened:
SpeechMike button Assigned shortcut
d Record Record (push to dictte)
e Play/Stop Ply from cursor position
c Rewind Move cursor bckwrds
b Fast forward Move cursor forwrds
• EOL/•• PRIO Mrk bckwrds
INS/OVR Open correction window
Powerpoint prole
Use this prole to control Powerpoint presenttions with
the SpeechMike. The following settings re dened:
SpeechMike button Assigned shortcut
d Record Blck screen
e Play/Stop White Screen
c Rewind Go to previous slide
b Fast forward Go to next slide
• EOL/•• PRIO End slide show
INS/OVR Show/hide cursor
It is possible tht not ll ssigned shortcuts work
properly, since shortcuts cn dier mong versions
nd lnguges.
Use your SpeechMike Premium Air