
Table Of Contents
PHOENIX CONTACT 104275_en_c00
Step 3: DSL line configura-
The line already has a name (DSL line 1, etc.). You can assign a new name, e.g., "Line to
hall A". The name can contain 255 characters including special characters.
In the case of the point-to-point wizard, you can specify under "DSL line arrangement"
whether it is a 2-wire or 4-wire line. In the case of the line structure wizard, only 2-wire lines
are configured.
The 4-wire line can be designed redundantly or optimized for speed.
Line redundancy: if a line fails, data is transmitted on the other cable.
Speed optimized: if a line fails, restrictions may occur.
DSL line
For the DSL line, specify the cable length in meters and the cable diameter. This is used
to determine the expected data rate for the DSL line.
Under DSL data rate, select either "Automatic" or "Manual".
You can set the data rate individually for each line. If the data rate is the same for every
line, click on "Accept for all".
DSL data rate: automatic
In the case of automatic detection, the modem attempts to achieve the highest DSL trans-
mission speed, taking a reserve of 3 dB into account (in the range of 192 ... 5696 kbps per
channel). The automatically determined data rate remains fixed until an SHDSL connec-
tion abort. The SHDSL data rate is determined again when the SHDSL connection is re-
established. It may deviate from the previous data rate.
SHDSL data rate: manual
In the case of extremely long lines that are susceptible to interference, only data rates
below 192 kbps may be possible. In this case, automatic data rate detection will not work
and the data rate must be specified manually.
Step 4: Serial configuration You can configure the serial interface globally for all devices or individually for each de-
Under "Connection profile for all devices", you have the option of selecting a connection
profile, creating a new profile or editing an existing one. The settings selected here apply
for all devices.
Connection profiles
A range of profiles is available. You can select one of these profiles or create your own
The following settings are made for profiles:
Data transmission mode: character based or frame based
In frame-based mode, the parameters are: T
and T
Handshake: none, as hardware or software method
Configuration >> Point-to-point wizard or Line structure wizard