
Table Of Contents
PHOENIX CONTACT 104275_en_c00
3.4.1 Diagnostic overview
Diagnostics >> Device status >> Diagnostic overview
Device information Type The designation clearly identifies the type of the selected de-
vice. The designation is also printed on the device.
Order No. The order number can be used to clearly identify the device
type. You can use this number to search for additional infor-
mation and downloads for this device on the Phoenix Contact
website. The order number is printed on the device.
Serial No. The serial number is unique for each device. It can be used to
assign a device and is printed on the device.
Device name This is the name of the device that you assigned during confi-
Operating mode Line structure or point-to-point.
DO status Indicates the status of the diagnostic output (DO). If the event
linked to the port occurred, the status is "set". The physical
port status is specified in brackets and can be either "open" or
"24 V".
DIO status Indicates the status of the digital IO (DIO). If the event linked
to the port occurred, the status is "set". The physical port sta-
tus is specified in brackets and can be either "open" or "24 V".
Interface type Interface type indicates the interface used by the device.