
8443_en_11 PHOENIX CONTACT 17 / 21
11.3 Substitute value behavior
The substitute value behavior is set via the IO module in slot 2. The following parameters are available:
Byte arrangement: substitute value pattern
Non-inverted byte arrangement:
Inverted byte arrangement:
11.4 Invert byte arrangement
The byte arrangement of the process data can be changed via the IO module in slot 2 with the following parameter.
Parameter Possible values Description
Failsafe substitute value
0 = Reset all outputs (default) Substitute value behavior for all outputs
1 = Set all outputs
2 = Hold last value
3 = Substitute values
Failsafe substitute values 0 = Zero (default)
Possible values: 0 ... 65535
Specification of a substitute value pattern for all outputs
In order to use this parameter, you must first set the
“Substitute values” value in the “Failsafe substitute value
behavior” parameter.
The “Failsafe substitute value” parameter always controls the same outputs, regardless of the “Invert byte
arrangement” setting. Take this into account when calculating the substitute value.
Byte 0 1
Bit 7654321076543210
OUT 07060504030201001716151413121110
Byte 1 0
Bit 7654321076543210
OUT 07060504030201001716151413121110
Parameter Possible values Description
Invert byte arrangement 0 = Off (default) This parameter is used to invert the process data, i.e., the bytes. The
“Failsafe substitute value” parameter is not affected by this.
1 = On