User's Manual

Connection Tips
If you are connecting to a free “Wi-Fi hotspot”, sim-
ply select the network you want from the displayed
list, then click Connect. Once a connection is made,
you should be able to launch your Internet browser
and connect to the Internet.
If you are connecting to a fee based “Wi-Fi hotspot”,
you must login to an account. This will require you
to either enter your login information, if you‘re an
existing customer, or create a new account and pro-
vide payment. Once the fee has been paid, select
the fee based network and click on the Connect but-
ton. Your default web browser should launch taking
you to the service provider’s login page. Most Wi-Fi
service providers have simple, step-by-step instruc-
tions to sign up and connect to their network. If
once you connect to the network your web browser
does not launch, simply launch your Internet brows-
er manually and you will be taken directly to the log-
in page.