User Manual

Maintaining the Equipment
7-2 LIFEPAK 20e Defibrillator/Monitor Operating Instructions
Periodic maintenance and testing of the LIFEPAK 20e defibrillator/monitor and accessories will
help detect and prevent possible electrical and mechanical discrepancies. If testing reveals a
possible discrepancy with the defibrillator or accessories, refer to "General Troubleshooting Tips,"
page 7-10. If the discrepancy cannot be corrected, immediately remove the defibrillator from
service and contact qualified service personnel. For testing information regarding accessories,
refer to the accessory operating instructions.
Each time you turn on the defibrillator/monitor, it performs self tests. If the defibrillator/monitor
detects a failure, the service LED illuminates.
MAINTENANCE DUE message can be configured to appear on the screen at selected intervals
(3, 6 or 12 months) to remind you that the device is due for maintenance. The factory default is
OFF, but it can be activated by service personnel.
Maintenance and Testing Schedule
Table 7-1 lists the recommended maintenance and testing schedule. This schedule may be used
in conjunction with the internal quality assurance program of the hospital, clinic, or emergency
medical service where the defibrillator is used. An Operator’s Checklist is included in these
operating instructions (refer to Appendix D). Cables and paddles are a critical part of therapy
delivery and suffer wear and tear. Physio-Control recommends replacement of these
accessories every three years to reduce the possibility of failure during patient use.
Additional periodic preventive maintenance and testing, such as electrical safety tests,
performance inspection, and required calibration should be performed regularly by qualified
service personnel.
Table 7-1 Recommended Maintenance Schedule
Operation Daily
Daily auto test – performed automatically by defibrillator. X
Complete Operator’s Checklist (refer to Appendix D). X
Inspect defibrillator and CodeManagement Module. X X
Clean defibrillator and CodeManagement Module. X X
Check that all necessary supplies and accessories are
present (for example, gel, electrodes, ECG paper, etc.).
Perform user test. X
Perform function checks:
Standard paddles monitoring check X
Standard paddles defibrillation and synchronized
cardioversion check on battery power
Therapy cable monitoring check X
Therapy cable defibrillation and synchronized
cardioversion check on battery power
Therapy cable pacing check X
Preventive maintenance and testing. X