User Manual

For distances closer than 5m, the search speed should be reduced to a maximum
of one step per change in display (between 0.5 and 1.3 seconds depending
on avalanche transceiver model). At an indicated distance of 2m at the latest,
carry your Pieps Freereide in search mode right on the surface of the snow. The
dynamically responsive audio output (the nearer you get, the faster it sounds)
aids with locating the point.
IMPORTANT! When locating the point don’t make any fast movements (20-
40 cm/sec). During the entire point locating procedure, hold the device level
in the same position without rotating it and as close as possible to the surface
of the snow.
Continue moving in the most recently followed direction until the indicated
distance begins to increase again. Mark the point of minimum indicated distance
(“maximum 1”) with a glove for example and continue in the marked direction
(3m-4m) looking for any further maxima. If there are no further minima of
indicated distance along this axis, return to the marked maximum 1 (glove)
and try to determine the minimum distance by executing repeated cross scans
separated by 90 degrees in each case. If during cross scans in the four possible
directions the distance should reduce further, then continue in this direction till
the distance starts to increase again (mark maximum 2 with a glove) and start
again with the cross scanning described earlier. Again continue 3-4m along the
same axis searching for any further maxima.
Continue with this procedure until
no further reduction in distance
can be detected.
SEARCH MODE / FINE SEARCH (point location)
Practice your preferred
search method. Only this
way will you gain valuable
seconds or minutes in the
event of an emergency
rescue of a companion.