Operation Manual

Chapter 11: Disc menus 207
To create a link using drag-and-drop:
Click the clip in the Movie Window that you want to
link to, and drag it onto a button in the Clip
properties tool preview area. The button is linked to
the first frame of the clip. Or,
Click the button for which you want to create a link,
and drag it onto a clip in your move. In this case you
are linking to the point within the clip at which you
“drop” the button – generally not the first frame.
The Disc menu tool
If you open this tool while a menu is selected, it
is equivalent to opening the Clip properties tool;
otherwise, it provides a Create Menu button that takes
you into the Title Editor to begin creating a new disc
menu. (See “Editing with the Clip properties tool”,
page 202, and Chapter 12: The Title Editor.)
Because developing a menu is a relatively intricate
operation, Studio takes the opportunity to remind you
that pre-built menus are available in the Album. When
you decide that this reminder is no longer needed,
check the Don’t ask me this again box before clicking
the OK button.