Operation Manual

Chapter 6: Montage
Segue A: Segue templates connect two full-frame
video sequences by means of some kind of
animation. This first Segue example begins with
two seconds of full-frame video, then zooms out to reveal a
formation of multiple video panels running simultaneously.
Zooming in on the final subclip leads to an expandable section of
full-frame video.
Segue A integrates multiple video sources.
Segue B: This Segue achieves the basic aim of
connecting two video clips more simply than the
previous one. The first subclip starts at full frame,
then zooms out while rotating away from the viewer. When the
reverse side of its rotating panel comes into view, the second subclip
is seen to have replaced the first. The panel zooms in to fill the frame
towards the end of the clip.
Segue B creates a simpler transition.
Once again, the full-screen segment of the second subclip can be
extended by expanding the template clip on the timeline.
Segue C: This is similar to Segue B, except that the
flying video panel takes an extra spin in the middle
to admit one more subclip into the sequence.
Segue C includes a bridging video subclip.
The final subclip is again expandable.