User Manual

Problem Check Remedy
The unit does not respond when the
screen is touch, or the response is
poor. The detected position is different
from the position actually touched.
Deviation in touch display calibration. Adjust touch screen detection with the [TOUCH DISPLAY CALIBRATION] set-
tings on the [UTILITY] screen.
Functions and operations
Problem Check Remedy
The crossfade function does not work.
, )]
(crossfader curve selector) switch set to [THRU]?
Set the [CROSS FADER CURVE (THRU, , )] (crossfader curve selector)
switch to a position other than [THRU]. (page 13 )
The back cue function does not work. Is a cue point set? Set a cue point.
Beat effect does not work. Is the [LEVEL/DEPTH] control set to the center
Rotate the [LEVEL/DEPTH] control clockwise or counterclockwise.
Is the [TRIM] control set to the proper position? Set the [TRIM] control to the proper position.
Color effect does not work. Is the [SOUND COLOR FX
Is the [COLOR] control set to the proper position? Set the [COLOR] control to the proper position.
The SYNC function does not work. Has the music file been analyzed? Perform file analysis.
The SYNC function does not work
even when files are analyzed.
Is the beat grid irregular?
Is the beat grid properly tapped?
Set the beat grid properly.
Are the BPMs of the tracks in the two decks too
The SYNC function does work properly if the BPM of the track on the deck for
which the [SYNC/INST.DOUBLES] button is pressed is not within the adjustable
tempo range of the track on the deck for which the [SYNC/INST.DOUBLES]
button is not pressed.
Are you scratching? The SYNC function is disabled while scratching.
Settings are not stored in the memory. Did you turn this unit off directly after changing
the settings?
Turn this unit off 10 seconds after changing the settings.
Make sure to press the [u] switch to turn this unit off.
PRO DJ LINK does not work well. Is the USB (LINK Export) connections driver
software installed?
For a USB connection, install the USB (LINK Export) connections driver
USB devices
Problem Check Remedy
USB device is not recognized. Is the USB device properly connected? Connect the USB device securely (all the way in).
Is the USB device connected via a USB hub? Do not use a USB hub.
Is the USB device supported by this unit? This unit supports USB mass storage devices that can be used as external hard
disks and portable flash memory devices.
Is the file format supported by this unit? Check that the file format of the connected USB device is supported by the unit.
(page 6 )
Turn the unit off, wait for 1 minute, and then turn the unit on.
It takes time to read USB devices
(flash memory drives and hard discs).
Are many folders and files stored on the USB
It takes time to read a connected USB device if the device contains many folders
and files.
Are files other than music files stored on the USB
It takes time to read a connected USB device if files other than music files are
stored in folders. Do not store files or folders other than music files on the USB
Playback does not start when a track
is loaded from a USB device.
Are the files playable? Check that the file format of the track is supported by the unit.
Is the auto cue function enabled? Press and hold the [TIME MODE(AUTO CUE)] button for approximately 1
second or more, and disable the auto cue function.
Files cannot be played. Is the file copyright-protected (by DRM)? Copyright-protected files cannot be played.
Music files cannot be played. Are the music files damaged? Play music files that are not damaged.
DJ software
Problem Check Remedy
The DJ software on a computer can-
not be operated.
Is the USB cable properly connected? Connect the unit and the computer directly using the USB cable. USB hubs
cannot be used. (page 10 )
Sound of the DJ software is not
properly output.
Are the DJ software settings and the [MIXER
MODE] setting of this unit properly set?
Check the DJ software settings, and then check the settings of this unit on the
[UTILITY] screen and set the proper signal path.
Is the driver software properly set? Set the driver software properly.
Sound is interrupted when using the
DJ software.
Is the latency value of the driver software properly
Set the latency of the driver software to a suitable value.
Set the latency of the DJ software to a suitable value.